List of papers and books
October 2009
Meaning concept
- IntroMeaning
Introduction to a logical concept of meaning, 20 pages
- EinfBedeutung
Einführung eines logischen Bedeutungsbegriffs, 22 Seiten
- Meaning
A logical concept of meaning, 59 pages
Theory algebras
- TheoryAlgebras
introduction and overview
- TheoAlgRelations
Theory algebra of relations, 178 pages
- TheoAlgAxioms
Axioms of theory algebras, 10 pages
- WorldAlg
World algebras, 10 pages
- PNFCanon
Theory and implementation of efficient canonical systems for sentential calculus, based on Prime Normal Forms, 36 pages
The Haskell PropLogic package
- PropLogic
- InstallPropLogic.html
Installing the PropLogic package
- ExecPropLogic.html
A little program for propositional logic
- IntroToPropLogic.html
Brief introduction to PropLogic
Bucanon Java applet
- BucanonGuide
Guide to the bucanon software and documentation, HTML page
- BucanonIntro
Bucanon introduction: How to do boolean algebra with the bucanon program, 4 pages
- BucanonIntroContinued
Bucanon introduction, continued: Motivating theory algebras, 3 pages
- BucanonManual
Bucanon Manual, 14 pages
- BucanonSyntax
Bucanon syntax, 1 page
- BucanonScreenshots
Screenshots and samples of the bucanon applet in action, HTML page
Hyper-digital logic
- HyperDigitProject
Hyper-digtal logic, project overview, HTML page
- HyperDigitSum
Hyper-digital logic: Summarized overview of its syntax and semantics, 3 pages
- HyperDigitIntro
Introduction to hyper-digital logic, 24 pages
- SetFieldLog
Set field logic and its embedding into hyper-propositional logic, 6 pages
- HyperDigitAlg
Algebraic properties of hyper-digital logic, text under construction
- MixedHyperDigit
Mixed hyper-digital logic, text under construction
- HyperAndModal
Hyper-digital and modal logic, text under construction
- HyperPropNorm
Hyper-propositional normalizations and canonizations, text under construction
Little Helper
- Haskell98numbers
A picture on the numbers systems in the Haskell programming language, 1 page